Green Mutation

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


TS SEMI-FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING FCW-50 is a two component polymer modified flexible cementitious waterproofing membrane.  It can be easily applied by brush, roller, spray or trowel to obtain the desired texture. TS FCW-50 is capable of bridging hairline cracks. The degree of resistance of TS FCW-50 to water pressure depends on the coatings thickness.


•    Flexible, durable and weather resistant
•    Excellent adhesion to most substrates
•    Excellent waterproofing abilities – able to withstand high hydrostatic pressure.
•    Bridge hairline cracks
•    Non-toxic – suitable for use in waterproofing of potable water tanks
•    Pre-packed - easy to mix and apply
•    Can be applied onto damp surface
•    Bonds to damp concrete


•    Basement walls
•    Reservoirs, sumps, planter boxes, potable water tanks, culverts, canal, water retaining structures, etc.
•    Swimming pools and features
•    Kitchen and toilets
•    Domes and concrete structures
•    Roof decks and balconies
•    Fire wall


The substrates must be clean and sound, free of dust and loose particles.  Cement laitance, oil, grease, moulds release agents must be removed from concrete surfaces by wire brushing, wire scrabbling or by other means.  Dampen the substrates prior to application.

It is recommended that a cement and sand fillet be formed at all corners to receive the waterproofing membrane.

Prior to the application of the waterproofing membrane, dampen the substrate with water while ensuring that no free water is present on the surface.


Pour Part A (liquid) into a clean container.  Slowly add Part B (powder) into the container and mix with a slow speed mechanical mixer until homogenous and lump free.  Allow the mix to stand for 5 minutes and re-stir manually before use.


For best results, damp the surface before coating with TS FCW-50.
Can also serve as Top-Coating of Concentrated Cementitious Waterproofing.

For horizontal and vertical surfaces, a roller, brush or spray gun, may be used to apply the slurry.  Care must be taken to ensure that air is not entrapped in the membrane.

Apply the first coat and work generously to fill all the pores and honeycombs.  Allow the membrane to dry approximately 2 to 3 hours prior to application of the second coat.  The second coat must be applied crosswise.

After applying the second coat of waterproofing membrane, allow a minimum curing time interval of 15 – 72 hours before laying the screed and commencing ponding test.  Should ponding test exceed 4 hours, a minimum curing time interval of 72 hours is recommended.


TS FCW-50 is available in 35 or 25 kgs. pack


The shelf life of TS FCW-50 is 12 months when stored unopened in a cool dry place.


The coverage rate of TS FCW -50 is:

1.0 to 1.4 kg/m2 for 1 coat application

2.0 to 2.8 kg/m for 2 coats application to obtain approximately 1.5mm thickness depending on site conditions.

Note:  Coverage figures are theoretical and due to wastage factors and the nature of possible substrates, practical coverage will be reduced.


TS FCW-50 should be treated with care.  Gloves and goggles should be worn.  Any splashes to the skin or eyes should be washed off with clean water.  Powder products should be handled to minimize dust imation.


TS FCW-50 is non-flammable

To be ordered, may or may not be ready for pickup right away. Minimum quantity per purchase is 5 sets. May require downpayment for new clients. Delivery charges may be applied.
Locally made export quality and available in the Philippines. We supply in Metro Manila, Quezon City, Bulacan, Laguna, Cavite, Batangas, and all over Luzon.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article! We provide the best waterproofing services near you. We provide services such as bathroom waterproofing, terrace waterproofing, toilet waterproofing, basement waterproofing, kitchen waterproofing, balconies waterproofing, roof waterproofing and many more. Get waterproofing at the lowest price.
